Richard Hanania is the founder and president of the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, and author the books “The Origins of Woke” and “Public Choice Theory and the Illusion of Grand Strategy”.This is a far-ranging conversation with an emerging star public intellectual.In this episode we discuss:
Political theory: Nietzschean Liberalism, the worldview that greatness is a higher value than equality coupled with the insight that the liberal institutions of markets & democracy are the best delivery mechanism for greatness
The influence of law on society: it's a recurring topic of this podcast how legal systems influence economic growth. Hanania argues that even culture such as "wokeism" is downstream of key US legal decisions made in the 1960s
Public choice in International Relations (IR): many IR theorists assume states are rational actors. Richard debunks this theory, arguing that collective guilt and responsibility of a "people" is morally not the right lens to view the world
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