Olivier is an entrepreneur, investor, and independent author. He wrote “The Way of the Intelligent Rebel” and blogs at Disruptive Horizons.
The blog is about the disruption of the nation states by the internet and globalization and how to transform from a mono country to a netizen without borders.
Olivier's journey started with Tim Ferriss' book "The 4-Hour Work Week", as a way to unbundle his life through entrepreneurship and digital nomadism.
As a digital nomad, Olivier recommends the "Six Flag Theory" to become a mobile and sovereign individual protected from the overreach of extractive states.
Olivier is also a history buff and started a 2-part series with ten principles from history about the disruption of large institutions by new technology.
We also talk about AML-KYC financial regulations: they started with a noble goal, but have become an inefficient bureaucratic nightmare. It is estimated that the global compliance cost is $304bn per year but only managed to seize $3bn criminal funds.
This episode is full of practical insights into how to start unbundling your life and join the movement towards the decentralization of governance.
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