Niklas speaks with Cameron Sorsby, the CEO of Praxis, a college alternative that builds your skills, your network, and leads to a full-time job at a growing business.
Over the past 40 years, college has developed from an offering for an elite of knowledge workers to a job entry requirement for a majority of the population.
However, during the past 2 years enrollment rates have been dropping rapidly.
During covid-19, students and parents were comparing "Zoom University" with free, or better alternatives to a 4-6 year commitment with potentially $100ks in student debt.
Covid-19 supercharged college alternatives such as Praxis.
Cameron talks about the benefits of "a vocational MBA" when it comes to costs and time spent. He also shares insights as an entrepreneur starting in a small niche, growing through word-of-mouth and becoming a premier talent pool for fast-growing tech companies that value tenacity and skills over the signal of a college degree.
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Prospera Edtech Summit, October 28-30, 2022
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