Niklas speaks with Sandra Carillo, the Professor in charge of Cannabis Research and Education, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Panama.
Sandra has been advocating and promoting the use of medical cannabis as an educator, advisor to policymakers, and a medical doctor treating 1.500 patients in Colombia.
Cannabis for medical use is a great example of a stranded technology. It's prohibited by many governments and faces cultural resistance, even though the benefits have been proven for a long time in epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and as a pain reliever.
Sandra talks about the endogenous cannabinoid system, or "endocannabinoid system" —named for the plant that led to its discovery—one of the most important physiologic systems involved in establishing and maintaining human health.
We learn that both the scientific and political establishments have long resisted change coming from these insights, and the regulations have been blocking progress in developing better treatments for patients for decades.
Sandra is at the forefront of the campaign to legalize medical cannabis in Latin America and all over the world, and her journey provides insightful lessons into what's required to unleash the potential of a stranded technology.
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Ep. 12: Medical Cannabis, the Science Behind the Beautiful Plant and the Path to Regulatory Approval & Creating Patient Benefits for Millions in Latin America w/ Sandra Carillo